You may have heard of the term A,B,C’s of behaviour. It stands for Antecendents, Behaviour and Consequences. It is a useful tool to document and understand more about what behaviour is telling us, remembering that all behaviour is communication.
To put it simply, it means what happened before the behaviour, what is the actual behaviour and what happens afterwards. It is a common tool used through inclusion support agencies as a way of documenting behaviour, as it encourages educators to reflect on behaviour in a different way.
When I was a new coordinator, this was one of the most effective tools I was provided by an inclusion support agency to document beahviour and look at the before, during and after. It's now one of my go to resources when I am reflecting on behaviour, and as a manager, I always encourage my teams to approach behaviour management in the same mindset.
This document includes some information about the ABC's, some examples of ABC's and a jottings form you or your team could utilise to document behaviour.
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